Friday, December 17, 2010 yuna***..hahaha...cll panggil min tu..hahaha

Are you happy where you are now?
Dangling from the stars
Worry Free
I used to be just like you

Is she all that you asked
Park your greed far away
You are under a microscopic lens
I am seeing you in different ways now
I was a fool

Falling into hole
Running into a web
You could bet
When I see you on the other side
With someone else
I just died.

I am like a firework
Creating masterpieces in the sky
Thank you for watching
Thank you for standing by
While I burn
I was a fool

Falling into hole
Running into a web
You could bet
When I see you on the other side
With someone else
I see you on the other side
with someone else
I see you on the other side
with someone else
I just died.
I just died.

SO BoriNG HOLIday!!!!

hahaha...dalam disney channel kan....tak habes2 ade lagu *so syok holiday!!!*.....tapi kalo la min kannn...min nak nyanyi macam ni.......*so boring holiday!!!!!!*....boleh tak....hahahaha....sesuke hati je nak tukar lagu oranggg!!!hahahahaahahahahaha....
okayyy!!!!sekang ni min nak citer sikit la pasal kehidupan min mase cuti ni.......arghhh!!!!
ni je yang boleh dikate ......BORING BORING BORING.....
rutin min just bangun tdur......bermukabuku...tgk tv....pastu tidor balik.....
hahahahah..boring kan??????????????????????????
hmmm,kalo la boleh........************************************************************......hahahahah...mesti best!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

balek raye!!!

hari ni min nak balek ipohh!!
train kitaorg kol 6...
so buke puase dalam trainnn!!
tgh pk...
nak buat ape ek kat ipoh nanti...
raye kat mane??
nak masak ape ke??haha..
macam masak pon..ngehh3...

doakan min selamat sampai

Saturday, September 4, 2010

cinta kite!

maafkan aku!

kenangan pencil itu!!

uwaaaa!!!min nak nangis rasa nyer bile min teringat kat pencil pink tu...
s0bs0b...that the last gift from her!!but i've lost it!uwaaaaaaa!!=(..
im sorry dear.....min takleh jage gift tu dgn sorry...

lurve emirul shahirah

kad raya!!

hisshhhh.....min minta alamat tak reply n tak bagi...
so macam mane min nak pos kan kad raye ...sayang oi...
aduii!!noty la..haha..=)